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13 Crazy Myths about Dogs (and which are true!)


 1. German Shepherds must only be trained in German, because they don’t understand English as well.


 Kim and Mace - German Shepherds - by Marilyn Peddle on Flickr

Kim and Mace – German Shepherds – by Marilyn Peddle on Flickr


FALSE Yes we’ve heard this one with our very own ears but there’s no need to get your phrase book out just yet…


2. Dogs will do anything to dominate you.


Old English Sheepdog by David Martyn Hunt on Flickr

Old English Sheepdog by David Martyn Hunt on Flickr

FALSE. Dogs just want to have their needs met and will try to figure out the best way to do that. They want a “leader” much like a small child wants a parent, but just like a small child, if you don’t lead they will do whatever they want, including boss you around.


3. The hair on the tail never grows back


FALSE: We consulted a dog groomer, and they categorically said this is not true – so if your pup’s tail needs clipping, you don’t need to panic.


4. Dogs can’t look up


Mick the Dog Looking Up by Tanakawho on Flickr

Mick the Dog Looking Up by Tanakawho on Flickr


TRUE AND FALSE. This myth took off when it was mentioned in hit film Shaun of the Dead when Shaun states that “Big Al also says that dogs can’t look up” and Ed replies “they can’t”.

Many dog owners will  lay testament to the fact that their dogs can in fact look up but some veterinarians have said that dogs can only lift their head up to a certain point, and their eyes even less so. We’ll leave this one for you to debate over.


5. Dogs can eat anything.



FALSE. Just because your dog will eat anything doesn’t mean it should. Some foods you should never let your dog eat include chocolate, cheese, milk, onion, macadamia nuts, garlic, grapes, avocado, apple cores and yeast dough.


6. It’s just a dog


From time to time, people tell me, “lighten up, it's just a dog,

From time to time, people tell me, “lighten up, it’s just a dog,


FALSE: Any dog owner will tell you that their dog is more than just a dog and is a friend, companion, walking buddy, playmate and cuddly pillow.


7. Dog saliva has healing properties


Dog licking face by Mikey Tapscott on Flickr

Dog licking face by Mikey Tapscott on Flickr


TRUE: Yes this is true, but only for your dog! Dogs saliva has antimicrobial properties and acts to loosen any debris that may be on the surface of the wound, but it also contains a lot of bacteria which is harmful to humans. So best not to start your day with a lick wash.


8. A dog with a black mouth will have a good temperament

FALSE: Dogs with more pink mouths have been known to be as equally well behaved. We can chalk this one down as an old wives tale…


9. Dog’s don’t feel pain (or they have a higher pain threshold)




FALSE. It is natural for a dog to hide its pain, but just because it isn’t crying out, doesn’t mean it isn’t hurting.


10. Frequent baths can cause dandruff


 Lola Bath by Rowens27 on Flickr

Lola Bath by Rowens27 on Flickr


TRUE. Yep, this one is true folks – washing your dog too often, especially with human soaps can cause flakes on your dogs scalp and skin. We’re not saying don’t give your dog a bath when he’s covered in mud, but make sure you use specialist dog-shampoo and only give them when necessary.


11. A cold wet nose is the sign of a healthy dog


Dogs Nose

Dogs Nose
Wikimedia Commons


FALSE: The temperature and moisture of your pup’s snout is no indication of health. So if your dog has a warm dry nose, but shows no other signs of ill health, you can relax, it’s completely normal.


12. Dogs can’t see in colour


Dogs can still see colours, just less of them

Dogs can still see colours, just less of them


FALSE: Humans used to believe dogs could only see in black and white but scientists recently discovered that dogs can actually see in colour, but not in the same way as humans. But we still wouldn’t take fashion advice from our dogs!


13. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks



FALSE:  This proverb has been bandied around about dogs (and humans!) for a long time, but it’s completely untrue. Older dogs may take more time and perseverance to learn a new trick than a younger pup, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be done!



Contributor – Jen Smith Social Media

Jen Smith Social Media

Jen Smith
Jen Smith Social Media